Wondering how the 2017 tax reform bill will affect you in 2019? Passed by Congress and signed into law by President Trump on December 22, 2017, the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA)” may have major implications for your 2018 tax returns
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When you think of wealth, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Most people would provide an answer that generally falls under the umbrella of financial assets. But in the words of the ancient Roman poet Virgil, “The greatest wealth is health.”
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I’m sure we all wish we could drink from the proverbial fountain of youth, but aging is a fact of life, and as long as that remains so, adult children will have to identify solutions that ensure the well-being of their parents.
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Last Night’s Results
In a campaign season where voters witnessed everything from migrant caravans and Kavanaugh hearings to the Overland Park Jewish Community Center shooting and 13 pipe
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Some of you are old enough to remember the exorbitantly high mortgage rates of the eighties, when the average 30-year fixed rate mortgage peaked above 18%.
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